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Soundseals Insulation

When Is Attic Insulation Removal Necessary?

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Insulation can add comfort to your home while shielding you from hefty electricity bills; although it can save you money, it is not a one-time investment. When it comes to your home’s insulation, you should replace or retrofit it every couple of decades. However, this timeline may be accelerated if there are any signs of damage or accelerated deterioration. SoundSeals Insulation has a team of expert insulation contractors that are certified and specialize in attic insulation jobs. We have a thorough understanding of air infiltration and the need for effective attic insulation. Over time, insulation can wear down and become less effective. As it degrades, your cost of energy and quality of air will deteriorate. That is why you need to keep an eye out for any signs that you may need to replace your home’s insulation.

Keep reading to learn how to tell that you need attic insulation removal.

Rise in Heating and Cooling Bills

An easy indication that you need to remove your attic insulation is a rise in your A/C bills. Attic insulation is able to keep your energy bills low by keeping conditioned air in and outdoor air out. The US Department of Energy estimates that a properly insulated attic can reduce your energy bills by 10 to 15%.

To guarantee that your home is adequately heated and cooled, old attic insulation should be removed. Attic insulation often deteriorates with time, which means that it is less effective at insulating your home and controlling temperatures.

Any Indication of Asbestos

If you are moving into an older home, you should check for any asbestos in the pre-existing insulation. Not all insulation includes asbestos; older homes tend to have more of it. Before the 1980s, asbestos fiber was widely used in buildings because of the natural mineral's resistance to heat, electricity, and corrosion. These characteristics that make it a good insulator also make it very poisonous and hazardous to the human body. Asbestos in your insulation is a sign of an out-of-date remodel and poor air quality.

Traces of Mold

Insulation removal is essential if mold has found its way into the insulation in your attic. Signs of mold are commonly found in indoor environments that lack proper ventilation, have humid climates, or have suffered from a severe storm. Insulation can quickly deteriorate due to moisture, which ultimately makes mold grow and makes it far less efficient. More importantly, exposure to mold can cause a variety of health problems, including chronic upper respiratory problems and mild to severe allergic reactions. You must take action immediately to have any contaminated insulation.

Indications of a Pest Problem

Attics are a haven for infestation and unwanted intruders. If you have a pest problem, you will want to consider attic insulation immediately. These pests typically find their way into your home through vulnerable spots in your roofing. Insulation must be replaced after pest infestations. Any bug or animal droppings that get into your insulation can adversely affect your air quality. Additionally, these pests are likely to cause physical damage to the insulation itself.

Prioritize Attic Insulation Removal

If your home has faulty insulation, you need full insulation removal and replacement. There are no quick fixes. When our team of experts goes to insulate a home, we want to ensure a job well done.

Are you unsure if you need an insulation replacement? SoundSeals Insulation will give you a free in-home assessment.

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